Family Friendly Events for Christmas in South Florida


Lighted Boat Parade, Key West

Key West Lighted Boat Parade

While Key West may not be the first place you think of when it comes to Christmas festivities, the Schooner Wharf Bar and Galley Lighted Boat Parade - dubbed a tropical tribute by its creators - is a great Christmas event for families looking to unwind and "head south for the winter". Behind the scenes, the Lighted Boat Parade is a competition amongst local boaters and business owners to see who can design the most festive boat display. The winner walks away with nearly $25,000 in cash and prizes, which usually equates to some pretty creative holiday decorations. In addition to the aquatic parade, parents and children can enjoy a bevy of Christmas music performed by the Gerald Adams Elementary School Steel Your Heart Band, as well as the Doerfels - a group of brothers and sisters who sing holiday classics each year. For more information, including a list of vendors and other activities, check out their listing on the Schooner Wharf Bar website.
